Function Date returns the DATE Value when we combine take 3 separate values to form a date.
Date Function in Excel
Syntax of DATE function in Excel
Date Function Example:
When you’ve Year, Day, Month as seen in the above worksheet Year as 2016, Day as 18th and Month as 5.
Function =DATE(G5,I5,H5) will give you the output of the exact date = 5/18/2016
Year = Should be between 1900 to 9999
If year value is less than 1900 then Excel calculates the year by adding number to 1900
Example: –
DATE(200,11,20) returns a value of November 20, 2100 (1900 + 200)
Month = Month should be between 1 to 12, Excel adds any number be to the month
Example: –
DATE (2015, 13, 5) would return January 5, 2016 (13 = 12+1 Month i.e January)
If DATE(2015, -2, 5) would return October 5, 2015 (10 = 12-2 Month i.e October)